STEAM Lab Assessment:
The emphasis in the STEAM Lab is on the Engineering Design Process (EDP), in which students active participate on a weekly basis – and bi-weekly in grades 5-6. Students will be able to use a variety of fun, age-appropriate engineering materials including Keva planks, MakeyMakey, Squishy Circuits, Sphero robots, micro:bits, Strawbess, Cubelets, Legos, everyday craft supplies, tools, and more.
Students learn the appropriate use of these supplies in order to collaborate in the creation of prototypes and engage in solving design challenges significant to their lives. We learn about the many different types of engineers and how they work together in the fields of Computer Science and Design Thinking and discover our great potential.
Engineering Design Process (EDP): 60%. Students in grades 4-6 learn to follow the 6 steps of the Engingeering Design Process and the required skills. Students in grades K-3 learn the steps in isolation first, before combining them, in a progressive manner. All grades are assessed according to this STEAM_RubricK-6.pdf . 30%. Students will work to progress through grade-level curriculum in computer science throughout the year.
Collaboration: 10%. Students learn the importance of their contributions relative to the whole task at hand.