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Welcome to Pre K!



Mrs. McGill

Miss. Cassidy



Contact: [email protected]



 Month of January Winter Penguins Clip Art - Month of January Winter  Penguins Image

Upcoming Events:


  • Monday, 1/27 - Catholic Schools Week 
  •    Friday, 1/31 - Student Appreciation Day - Students may wear school spirit wear if they have it 
  • Monday, 2/17 - School Closed for President's Day
  • Wednesday, 3/5 - Ash Wednesday
  • Wednesday, 3/12 - Early Dismissal @ 12:00



***Please update your child's change of clothes with a more weather appropriate option. 


 21,000+ Thank You Banner Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics  & Clip Art - iStock | Thank you banner vector, Holding thank you banner

Dear Parents,


Miss. Cassidy and I would like to express our sincere gratitude for the generous gifts and delicious lunch for Teacher Appreciation. Your kindness and support mean so much to us.  Teaching your children is a privilege and we are so grateful to be part of their journey at Saint Leo's. Thank you again for making this week so special!



Mrs. McGill & Miss. Cassidy



Hearts Around the World Project


Dear Families,



This year, we are super excited to participate in a project called "Hearts Around the World!" Our goal is to receive a valentine from each of the fifty states or as many countries as possible. We have a map of the United States and the world, where we will track the locations of the valentines we receive. As each valentine arrives, we will place a heart sticker on the map and learn some interesting facts about the place it came from. In order for this project to be successful, we need your help. Please share this letter with family and friends around the world, and encourage them to send valentines our way. Be sure to mail them early so that we can collect all the valentines by February 24th, 2025. Please send all cards to the address provided below, along with your child(ren)'s teacher's name so their class receives the cards. Thank you so much for helping spread kindness and love! The students are eagerly waiting to see how many states and countries will be filled with hearts! Here is the address:

550 Newman Springs Road

Lincroft, NJ 07738


Warm regards,

Ms. Verbos and Mrs. Moran



 Reminders for the morning routine:


Students should arrive by 8am. You will walk your child to the classroom, and they will hang up their backpacks and jackets in the cubby labeled with their names. Please put their lunch in the top part of cubby and their green take home folder in the bottom.  Please empty their folder every night. Their snack will go in the bin on top of cubbies. Water bottle will be removed from the backpack and placed in the cubby near the backpack.


If your child stays for extended care he/she must have a separate DISPOSABLE snack and water bottle in a seperate brown paper bag.  If your child does not stay regularly or attends on sporadic days, please send a note in the morning letting me know they will be staying.