The 5th grade teachers are looking forward to September and meeting all of you. We are
planning a school year filled with exciting learning experiences. While you are having
fun, you can get ready for fifth grade by reading, reading, and reading!
Here is a list of items needed for 5th grade:
General Supplies
Pencil case - zip pouch preferred
Eraser/eraser caps
Yellow Pocket folder for daily use
Earbuds with bag and name
Community supplies that will be available for class use
Glue Sticks
Extra #2 pencils
Black dry erase markers
Index cards
Extra 3x3 inch post it notes
**Community Supplies are not necessary, but always appreciated as the class will be using these items throughout the school year as a group.
ELA (blue)
1 composition notebook - 100 pages
1 blue ELA pocket folder
1 Highlighter
3 packs of 3x3 inch post it notes (color does not matter)
Social Studies (red)
1 red pocket folder
Math (green)
1 green pocket folder
One 1-subject spiral notebook
Science (black)
1” 3-ring binder
Composition Book
Folder with 3-hole punch for inside binder
Reusable water bottles are encouraged; please ensure that they have a lid that closes. No Straws please.