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Classroom Rules

1.  Be on time to class, with your student ID & in your seat.

2. . Be respectful of everyone else’s individual rights, thoughts, and space.

3. Be prepared for class with materials and assignments.

4. Be responsible for yourself and your actions.

5. Be positive, listen to the teacher and come to class wanting to learn, do not disrupt the teacher.



1. All consequences will be on an as-need basis.  The punishment will fit the crime!

2. If any rule is broken for the first time a verbal reminder of the rule will be issued.

  • Alternative behaviors discussed
  • The practice of new behaviors

3. If a rule is broken a 2nd time, there will be a warning.

  • Repeat verbal reminder of rule.
  • The student warned of consequences if the rule is broken again.

4. If a rule is broken a 3rd time, the student will be sent to the office.

  • Discuss behavior and work on solutions.

5. If a rule is broken a 4th time, the student will be assigned the periodic table to copy.

  • The assignment must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian for the student to be allowed back into the classroom.

6. If a rule is broken a 5th time, there will be a call home to the Parents or a Parent-Teacher Conference