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Hello everyone! I am super excited to be your child's Math teacher!  I have high expectations for all students and I am willing to devote my time and energy to ensure they meet these expectations. I ask that as the parent, you work alongside me to ensure your child/children reach their full potential.

Grades will come from weekly tests, class participation, class assignments, and Edulastic. Gator folders (AKA weekly test folders) will come home on Wednesdays. Test papers WILL NOT come home but a sheet stating their grades will be given.

Parents feel free to contact me with any concerns or thoughts! 



Email:[email protected]

Phone: 345-5666 Ext 4730

Remind Code: 

Bonner’s Homeroom-@bonnerhr02





Google Classroom Code:



Bonner’s HR


Nash’s HR


Naylor’s HR
