page contents




K-4 Students will be graded for Effort/Participation (50%) and Classwork (50%).


8th Grade Students will be graded on Effort/Participation (20%), Classwork/Homework (40%), and Quizzes/Tests/Project (40%)


8th Grade Students will bring their assigned Chromebook to class every week as well as headphones.

(Points may be deducted from Effort/Participation grade if students come to class unprepared.)


*Please note that points may be deducted from Effort/Participation grade if students come to class unprepared (without chromebook or headphones).
Missed work/Absences: 
  • If you are absent, you are expected to follow up by emailing or meeting with Mrs. Straub to get the work that was missed as soon as the next day you are back in school. Missed work from an absence is due the following class (following week)


  • Late work: 10 points will be taken off each class (week) that the work is late.
  • Ex: 1 class (1 week) late = 90%, 2 classes (2 weeks) = 80%, etc.


 Failure to comply with these rules or other procedures will result in the appropriate disciplinary action outlined below.

  • 1st time- Warning
  • 2nd time- Conference with student/Name written in Record book
  • 3rd time- Seat change and Parental Phone Call
  • 4th time- Referral/Write up