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Welcome to 1st grade!


Hello! I'm Mrs. Heard and I'm so excited to be your child's Math, Social Studies, and Science teacher! I am looking forward to a fun and productive school year!



Click on the links to the left for some helpful info!


If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at [email protected] or call the school at 225-665-4079.



A few reminders:



  • Get classroom notifications on our JPE app by... 1. clicking on directory, 2. click on 1st grade, 3. select Mrs. Heard, and click on the bell to show and allow notifications.
  • ALL payments this year will be made on SchoolCash online. You should only send money for snacks in the cafeteria if you would like your child to have something extra.
  • Please inital your child's conduct daily
  • Graded papers go home on Thursdays in their red folders. Please sign where needed and return the folder to following school day with only the papers labeled with an R.
  • Spirit shirts may be worn on Fridays with uniform bottoms.