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Language learning happens at home and during daily activities. Talking with your child during daily activities provides some of the best ways to increase his or her language skills by showing, doing, and explaining. While doing chores or work around the house talk with them or sing songs with them. Cooking with your child also gives them an opportunity to use sequence "first, you put the sugar in the flour, then add the eggs." This is a good opportunity to work with measuring and to help them learn new vocabulary. Read to your child and talk with him or her about the pictures and events. Have them retell the events of the story. Play baord games to teach turn taking and social skills. Have fun with your child. Learning through positive interactions with those closest to our students can make the biggest impact on the child's learning. This is also an opportunity to make memories together.   


Overall Learning:


Language Enrichment Videos:

Days of the Week


Months of the Year


Action Words / Verbs


Feelings / Emotions


Descriptors / Occupations


Brain Break / actions





Articulation Games


Articulation Sound Lists


Speech Fluency: