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Welcome, Mrs. McLeod and I are very excited for a new school year! Here are just a few reminders:


  1. Please send in a backpack labeled with your child's name so we can keep all belongings together.
  2. Lunch box (to hold daily snacks, lunch, and drinks)
  3. Your child will need a beach towel for seated outdoor activities and mask breaks.
  4. Please send in an old, oversized T-shirt for your child to use as an art smock.
  5. Please send in an extra set of clothing, which will be kept in class, in event of an accident. Extra clothing includes: shirt, pants, underwear, and socks. All extra clothes should be placed in a gallon ziplock and labeled with your child's name.
  6. Please include Diapers/ Pull-Ups and wipes (if necessary).
  7. A family photo to display in our classroom (Our first classroom theme is Family).