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Behavior Expectations




3rd grade is a big change for a lot of students! They are coming around the corner from A-Hall to B-Hall and there are different expectations!


One thing that will change at CPUE is following the GATOR Rules! All students and teachers follow the GATOR Rules. 


G - Give Respect


A - Act Responsibly


T - Take Pride


O - Obtain Permission


R - Remain Safe



Students will have daily conduct sheets that teachers will use to record behavior. The procedure for giving conduct marks is as follows: 

1. Warning/Reteach the expectation

2. Conduct Mark (each mark is 3 points off their conduct grade for the week)

3. If behavior persists, we will contact the parent or guardian. From this point, we can work together to come up with a plan to remedy the behavior. 

4. Minor Infraction Form

5. Refer to PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) - This team works together to create a plan to help the student succeed in all levels of their education. If your child is referred to PBIS, you will be notified. Please do your best to respond to these notices so we can remedy any situation as quickly as possible and get your child the help they need. :)


Conduct Sheets are graded weekly and are worth 100 points. An A/B in conduct means your child may wear jeans/CPU spirit shirt or jeans/uniform shirt on Friday each week.