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Hello friends! Here are some activities for you to complete today. Please check your Class Dojo messages for your literacy and math activities for today. 




-Breakfast (Please try to sit and eat breakfast with your child daily and have conversations.) 


-Song (Refer to song tab for songs and activities.) 


- Choose one activity from the new work packet. 


-Engage in 30 minutes of playtime (block play, board games, Legos, play dough)


- Do 30 minutes of gross motor activities, such as outside play or a movement activity (Refer to gross motor and movement tab for songs and activities.)


- Eat lunch (Encourage your child to to open their own food and serve themselves.) 


-Rest for about an hour. 


-Engage in 30 minutes of playtime, (block play, board games, Legos, play dough)


-Pick a book you have at home and read with your child or refer to the resources tab for stories online. 


-Do 30 minutes of gross motor activities, such as outside play or a movement activity. Please refer to gross motor nd movement tab for songs and activities.