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Marek Money


Dear Parents,


   If you have not heard by now, I am sure you will soon, your child will be coming home to tell you about the Marek Money that he/she earned at school! Marek Money is a reward/incentive system I have invented to encourage students to stay on task, follow class rules, doing their best on assignments, and to partaking in acts of kindness. Students can earn various "bills" ranging from 1-100 dollars, and will be "paid" (earned) at my discretion. When students are working their very best, they earn! When students share with their classmates, hold a door, provide a compliment, or makes choices or behaviors that exceeds my expectations they earn! 

    Students keep their Marek Money in their classroom toolboxes, as if they are a bank box, and when they earn enough money they can use this to buy something from the price list! Things that they can buy include a free homework pass, sitting in the teachers chair, extra free time, extra chrome book time, and other things we have decided upon together as a class. I truly believe in the use of positive reinforcement within my classroom to build a strong community bond and wonderful relationships with my students. This type of positive reinforcement is beneficial as it offers students autonomy over their choices and encourages them to make positive choices and wok hard.


If you have any further questions on "Marek Money" please do not hesistate to ask me!



Ms. Jennifer Marek, BA/MAT