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In the event that one of our classroom expectations are not followed, we will follow this process:


1st Offense: Verbal Warning

2nd Offense: Move color from green to orange.

3rd Offense: Move color from orange to red and complete a reflection sheet.

4th Offense: Move color from red to brown. Email/phone call to parent or visit to an administrator.




Our Classroom Constitution


R E S P E C T   Y O U R S E L F

1. Be prepared by having all materials.

2. Follow directions.

3. Use time wisely and work diligently.


R E S P E C T   O T H E R S

4. Use kind words and body language towards others.

5. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.

6. Be a good listener – don’t talk while the teacher/other peers have the floor.


R E S P E C T   T H E   E N V I R O N M E N T

7. Take care of and use all materials correctly.

8. Treat other people’s belongings and property with care.