Parent Workshop - Health & Wellness for Young Children
- Who? Who was in this book? (who are the characters in the story)
- What? What happened? (what's the story about - plot)
- Where? Where did this happen? (setting)
- How? How was a problem solved? (Conflict/resolution)
- WHY? Why did you like this book (or why not)?
- 7 Important Questions to Ask Your Child During Story Time:
Reading Tips for Parents (1 of 2).png
Reading Tips for Parents (2 of 2).png
- Critical Thinking Questions to Ask Students (Advanced Readers)
Before reading:
- What is the title of the book?
- What does the cover tell us about the book?
- What do you think the book is about?
- What are you curious to find out about this book?
- What do you already know about this book?
- What do you want to learn?
- Why are you reading this book?
During reading:
- Questions to ask during reading:
- What is the problem in the book?
- What do you think will happen next?
- Why do you think the character did that?
- When you were reading this part, what were you picturing in your head?
After reading:
- Describe the setting of the story
- Describe how a character changed throughout the book
- Which of the characters did you like best? Why?
- What were some of the problems or situations the characters encountered?
- Tell about a part that you liked or disliked and tell why?
- Parent Workshop Presentation held on March 28, 2023
- Coffee With the Coaches.pdf
- BackpackConnection_emotions_label.pdf
- BackpackConnection_routines_visual-schedules (1).pdf
- BackpackConnection_behavior_meltdown.pdf
- BackpackConnection_behavior_understand-meaning copy.pdf
- Home Solution Kit.pdf
- Calm Down.pdf
- Teaching Kids How To Manage Time (click on the link below)
Note: 4pm at this age it should be "play time outdoors, play dates, visit the library, walk to the bakery shop, walk to the ice cream shop, ride bikes, play with their toys, snack time, and have a two-way chat about their day with their caretaker". Please limit screen time at this age unless they are co-viewing with an adult.