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Welcome Parents & Students! 


 I'm so excited to be teaching your student Science!  We will have the best time discovering together this year! Please click the link below to learn more about our currciulum, Great Minds PhD Science. The family tip sheet is a great resource to help support your child this year! PhD_L3_FamilyTipSheets_Overview.pdf




If you need anything at all, please dont hesitate to reach out.  


Love, Mrs. Seale

   Email: [email protected]

   Phone: (318) 325-7659 


 Communication Information: 


 If you have not already joined Remind, the instructions to do so are below:

    Seale Homeroom: Text @sealehome2 to 81010

   Science: Test @sealesci3 to 81010

    Sallie Humble: Text @ghhk6g to 81010


Science Google Classroom Information: 

Byrd's Homeroom: 6x3g23g

Burns' Homeroom: dmzqu53

Seale's Homeroom: p5nsdyw

Bullock's Homeroom: aogdg4a

Perry's Homeroom: h5fql5j

Voorhees' Homeroom: cll55yl




Please follow the Sallie Humble Elementary School Facebook page!