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Our Classroom Wish List




We would greatly appreciate any donations that can be made to our classroom. Below is a list of items we will be needing throughout the year. Thank you in advanced :) You can also find my Amazon Wish List by clicking HERE.




  • Soft tissues
  • Absorbent paper towels
  • Liquid hand soap refill
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Small and large white paper plates (with the ridges for crafts)
  • Sandwich Size Ziploc Bags
  • One Gallon Size Ziploc Bags
  • Quart Size Ziploc Bags
  • Extra food to keep in the classroom in case students forget snack (Goldish, Pretzels, Cheeze-its, animal crackers)
  • Lysol / Clorox Wipes
  • Baby wipes
  • Depending on allergies in the class, if we are able to include cooking into our schedule, I may ask for parent volunteers to provide the snack materials needed for specific recipes.