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 Please email me at [email protected] if you need to make a change to your zoom session time today. Please click on the tab "Social/emotional learning" for some age appropriate social/emotional learning activities for your preschooler.


We will use the zoom link below for all individual & group zooms.



Boy is Playing on the Computer clipart. Free download transparent .PNG |  Creazilla


Virtual school day zoom schedule:



9:00-9:30 Group zoom-Morning meeting


10:00-12:30 Individual zoom sessions


12:30-1:30 Lunch time & Gross motor (outside break)


1:30-2:15 Rest time


2:15-2:30 Music & movement





Please choose 1 or 2 choice board learning activities to complete at home today:


Read aloud story for this afternoon or evening: Quiet and Loud