page contents

1. What time does school start?


  • Full-day students arrive at 9:00, PM PEECH students begin at 12:30.
  • Students are not permitted in the classroom before 9:00 AM/12:30 PM. 


2. What time does school end? 


  • School ends at 3:00 for all students.
  • Please note: Any changes to the way your child normally goes home will also need to be submitted in writing before they occur. 


3. What if my child is late for school?


  • I understand that there may be instances when it is not possible to be here on time. However, please try to have your child at school on time so we can begin our day together.
  • If your child is going to be late:
    • Please notify transportation if your child rides the bus. 
    • Send me a quick email if you have time

 4. What is the best way to contact Ms. Ludwig?


  • The best way to contact me is via email or through a note sent in your child's communication folder. 
  • Email address: [email protected]
  • I am available before school from 8:30-9, or after school from 3:00-3:50 Monday-Friday to schedule a meeting or take your calls. If this does not fit your schedule, we can discuss other dates and times that fit.
  • You may also send a note in your child's communication folder.


5. Will my child bring home a daily folder?


  • Yes. 'Communication Folders' are provided by the school. Please check this folder nightly and remove items from the “Keep at Home” pocket and review items from the “Return to School” pocket.


6. Will my child have homework?


  • Within the first week of most months, a family project will be sent home. Each project will have directions and dates on which these projects are 'due'. While Family Projects are not required, they are encouraged!


7. How should I send money to school?


  • There may be times during the school year when a note is sent home with your child to purchase certain items like books, fundraising items, or individual pictures.  Please know that you are never obligated to send money to school for any of these purposes.  Should you choose to send money to school for any reason it should only be sent to school in your child’s folder in a sealed envelope or Zip-lock bag and labeled with your child's name, grade, teacher's name, and the purpose for the money. 


8. When will progress reports be sent home?


  • Progress reports will be sent home three times per year at the end of the trimester in your child’s folder. The trimesters end in December, March, and June.


9. What if my child is sick?


  • If your child is sent to school sick or becomes sick during school hours we will be contacting you to pick up your child.

**If you will not be sending your child to school due to illness please call the school and leave a message with the school tele-safe number: (609) 737-4005, main menu #2If you want me to know the reason for the absence you MUST state that in your voicemail, otherwise the nurse will not be able to share this information with me.**

  • Inform the transportation department of your child’s absence.
  • Send Ms. Ludwig a quick email, if you have time.

**Please keep all contact phone numbers current in case of an emergency**


10. What should my child wear to school?


  • Comfortable casual clothing and sneakers (especially on gym days)
  • Dress your child for the weather.  We will be going outside for recess every day- weather permitting. 


11. Does my child need a backpack?


  • Yes, all students will need a functional backpack large enough to hold an 8.5x11 inch folder. Backpacks with wheels are not encouraged, as they are cumbersome and impractical for young children to handle independently. Backpacks will be used daily for storage of a folder, so please make sure that your child brings his/her backpack each day. Many backpacks look alike; please label your child's backpack with his/her name!


12. Does my child need an extra pair of clothing?


  • Yes, please send weather appropriate change of clothing in a Zip-lock bag with his/her name on it.
    • *Please label each item placed in bag*
    • Please include the following items:
      • Underwear, socks, a shirt, pants, AND shorts


13. What can I do to help my child at home?


  • Review the weekly newsletter each night.  Ask your child about their day. Reinforce concepts/lessons that are being taught at school that week.
  • Complete Family Projects with your child
  • Establish a nightly routine with a set bedtime and try to stay on schedule as much as possible.
  • If you feel your child may be coming down with something, be over cautious and keep him/her home from school.
  • Additional skills that you may work on with your child at home are:
  1. Sharing
  2. Turn-taking
  3. Cleaning- up
  4. Cutting/snipping with scissors
  5. Buttoning, snapping, and zipping


14. Do I need to purchase school supplies for my child?


  • No, however, I have a general list of donations for special projects/classroom materials. Thank you in advance!!


15. What can I do to help the teacher?

  • There are many opportunities for parents to help both the students and me in and out of the classroom. Though for the time being, we are unable to accept visitors as per school policy. We look forward to the day our class will be filled with parent volunteers! If you are interested in helping please let me know!


16. What does PEECH stand for? 


  • Good question! PEECH stands for Preschool and Early Education for Children of Hopewell.