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Welcome to 3C!





Hi 3C,


Welcome to third grade! Are you as excited as we are? We know that you may be nervous, too, and that’s okay. At school, one of our jobs is to keep you safe.  We have worked really hard to come up with the best plan to keep you safe and to keep you learning. We are excited that you are here and we will do our very best to make this a wonderful experience for you! 


To assist in your third grade classroom adventures, please label the following with your name, and bring them to school with you-


*  1 backpack that will fit your winter coat


*  1 art smock in a gallon sized ziplock bag.


*  1 pair of headphones/earbuds for your chromebook in a bag 


*  1 healthy snack every day (NO NUTS!)


*  1 package of crayons and/or colored pencils (no more than 24 count) 


*  8-10 sharpened pencils


*   2 dry erase markers (any color)


*    1-2 glue sticks


*   3 post-it note pads (any color, any style).


*  1 plastic pencil box to hold the above items.



We will supply the rest! 



See you soon!

Mrs. Orlando and Miss Segreaves






Extra Practice Websites:







Please reach out with any questions or concerns!

[email protected]

[email protected]


Ms. Morlock