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Hello Everyone!
If your child is in the Music Department, we are happy to announce our Spring Concert dates! 
The Elementary Concert will take place on May 2nd at 7pm. These groups will include 3rd, 4th, 5th Grade Choirs, Blue Band, Beginner Band, and Cafe Cavs. 
The Middle School Concert will take place May 3rd at 7pm. These groups will include 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Choirs, Gold Clefs, Jazz Band, Gold Band. 
There will be an art show viewing before each concert - more details on that will be coming out to families soon!

*Students performing, except for Gold Clef members, must wear Black & White concert attire (any combination of black and white attire works!)

*Students performing report to the school by 6:30pm. The concert will begin at 7pm.




Also, below you will find the  music department permission form. Thank you!
Music Department Permission Forms