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PEEC forms are due MONDAY!!!!!!!

      It  is hard to believe that we are almost done with  May!!!!!  We have almost finished NJSLA, and we are  in our  Fantasy units!  We are reading and writing within that genre.    The kids are loving the read aloud in class, you can hear a pin drop as I read.  Within this unit the kids are working in book clubs. They set their reading pace and they have in-depth conversations about their fantasy books using sticky notes as a springboard into their discussions.  Some of the series the kids are reading are Harry Potter, Foxcraft, Percy Jackson, and City of Ember.  Each student should be reading for at least 30 minutes each night, writing their thoughts on sticky notes and recording in the reading logs.  In writing we have been brainstorming and planning our fantasy stories.  The students are taking what they have learned in reading and applying it to their writing.  I cannot wait to read their published pieces.  


     As we approach the end of the school year, I ask that you please take a look around your house for any books that need to be returned to school.  They may have the school library barcode on the front, these must be returned in order to get their report cards. They received a notice this week if they had any overdue.   They may have a sticker on the front cover with a teachers name, or a teachers name or room number may be written inside the front cover.  Please send any books you find back to school so we can restock our libraries.  Thank you!  

     After Memorial Day we will be discussing PEEC in more detail, and the students will have an opportunity to ask questions.  


Important Dates to Remember:

May 24– Give Back Day, No School

May 27 - Memorial Day, No School

May 30 - Career Day

May 31 - Field Day

June 6 - PEEC

June 7 - PEEC

June 10 -PRM Visitation(Bruce & Melfi)

June 10 - Evening Concert @ High School

June 11- Evening Concert @High School

June 12 - 5th Grade Promotion 10:00am High School

June 13 -   5th Grade Barbeque  Early Dismissal

June 14 – CLAP OUT Early Dismissal & LAST DAY OF SCHOOL