page contents
Suggested School Supplies for Kindergarten
2 boxes 24-count crayons
8 large Elmer's glue sticks
1 pair of safety scissors
1 folder (labeled with your child's name)
12 sharpened #2 pencils
1 backpack (no wheels)
1 lunchbox
2 composition notebooks (no spiral)
3 dry erase markers
1 coloring book (for inclement weather)
1 12-pack of Crayola colored pencils
1 3-oz. can of Play-Doh
1 pair of headphones
2 boxes of tissues
2 rolls of paper towels
1 bottle of Purell of GermX hand sanitizer
1 pack of Lysol or Clorox disifecting wipes
1 white, unlined art pad for Art class (8x10, 9x12, or 11x14)
Please label all your child's school supplies!