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Listed below are a couple of websites for students to build on reading comprehension and expanding their writing: is a free online tool that allows your student to read articles and test their knowledge about what they read. It is easy to access and user friendly. Have your student use their school email (id number @ as the username and password their 4 digit social number. is another free tool to help your student expand their reading fluency and writing skills. Your child already has an account made. Their username is their school email and password is the 4 digit social number.







The following outline listed is the writing strategy RACER. This outline is what the students use when answering short responses and constructed responses. 


R - Restate the question (turn the question into a statement)

A - Answer the question (give your answer)

C - Cite your evidence (introduce your evidence using a PROVE it statement)

E - Evidence (Place the direct quote or paraphrased evidence)

R - Restate your asnwer (Conclude your answer and explain the central idea of your response)


This link will direct you to an overall view of RACER.