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Please take a few minutes to read over the important information all of the third grade teachers have sent out. If you have any specific questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.


Additional Announcements: The last week is finally here… Let me start by saying it has been a pleasure to work with all of you and your children throughout the school year. This group has been amazing and we had such an incredible year in 3rd grade for all of us! Below I am giving some information about the field trip on Monday. Please let me know if you have any questions!


Here are some updates for the week of June 10th - June 14th


What we’re learning this week…


Adventure Aquarium Field Trip - Monday, June 10th 

  • Please be at the school no later than 9:15, the bus will leave promptly at 9:30 and we need time to sign parents in and do a headcount.
  • Parents and family members will report to the library to check in with Officer Hill and decide if they are bringing home their child after the trip. Students will report to our classroom so that we can do attendance. We will meet parents and families in the library at 9:00.
  • Once we get to the aquarium, you are free to explore and have lunch at any time. Lunch may be purchased at the aquarium or brought separately.
  • We will meet at the entrance of the aquarium at 12:30 and the bus will be leaving promptly at 12:45. Please make sure you are at the meeting spot on time so no one is left behind!
  • We are looking forward to having a wonderful trip and the last week of the school year! 


Enjoy your weekend!


-Mr. Keane