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Hello and welcome! Here at Middle Township Middle School we are 100% dedicated to teaching our students how to succeed in all facets of education including academic, social and emotional. Even more importantly, as we continue to navigate the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are committed to keeping our pupils healthy and safe as we begin this 2023-2024 school year.


As an educator, the overall goal is to work together with my cooperating staff members in order to create an environment where everyone feels intelligent, safe, valued and respected. Furthermore, my co-teachers and I will work tirelessly to ensure that our classroom climate is centered upon high expectations for achievement and will be conducive to student progress. By using unique strategies and positive reinforcement in the classroom, our students will experience high levels of engagement and learning. On behalf of our students becoming active participants in society someday, as educators it is our duty to provide them with the proper tools and mindset to become successful in an ever-changing world. 


As per our Literacy curriculum (Lucy Calkins Units of Study), students will be graded on participation, homework, classwork, projects, quizzes and tests. In order to ensure comprehension of material, students will be frequently assessed using both formal and informal methods. I advise all parents and guardians to check powerschool at least once a week. Moreover, I encourage you to stay current with the school information which will be frequently posted on your students google classrooms as well as on our middle school website and facebook page. Please feel free to reach out anytime that you have questions or concerns. I look forward to an outstanding year with all of you! 



[email protected]