page contents
2nd Grade Math Skills - Envision Math 2.0
Topic 1 - Fluently Add & Subtract Within 20
- Addition fact strategies
- Doubles & near doubles
- Make a ten to add
- Addition fact patterns
- Count on and count back to subtract
- Think addition & subtraction
- Make a ten to subtract
- Addition and subtraction facts
- Solve addition & subtraction word problems
Topic 2 - Work with Equal Groups
- Even & odd numbers
- Use arrays to find totals
- Make arrays to find totals
- Solve word problems using arrays
Topic 3 - Add Within 100 Using Strategies
- Add tens & ones on a hundred chart
- Add tens and ones on an open number line
- Break apart numbers to add
- Add using compensation
- Solve one & two step word problems
Topic 4 - Fluently Add Within 100
- Add with partial sums
- Models to add 2-digit numbers
- Add 2 digit numbers with regrouping (carry the ones)
- Adding more than two 2-digit numbers
- Solve one & two step word problems
Topic 5 - Subtract Within 100 Using Strategies
- Subtract tens & ones on a hundred chart
- Count back to subtract on an open number line
- Add up to subtract on an open number line
- Break apart numbers to subtract
- Subtract using compensation
- Solve one & two step word problems
Topic 6 - Fluently Subtract Within 100
- Regroup 1 ten for 10 ones
- Models to subtract 2-digit and 1-digit numbers
- Subtract 2-digit and 1-digit numbers
- Models to subtract 2-digit numbers
- Subtract 2-digit numbers
- Use addition to check subtraction
- Solve one & two step word problems
Topic 7 - More solving Problems Involving Addition & Subtraction
- Represent addition & subtraction Problems (missing numbers)
- Solve addition & subtraction problems (making sense of word problems)
- Solve two-step word problems
Topic 8 - Work with Time & Money
- Solve problems with coins (counting coins)
- Solve problems with dollar bills
- Tell time to five minutes
- Tell time before and after the hour
- A.M. and P.M.
Topic 9 - Numbers to 1,000
- Understand hundreds
- Models & 3-digit numbers
- Name place value
- Read & write 3-digit numbers
- Different ways to name the same number
- Place-value patterns with numbers
- Skip count by 5s, 10s, and 100s to 1,000
- Compare numbers using place-value
- Compare numbers on the number line
Topic 10 - Add Within 1,000 Using Models & Strategies
- Add 10 and 100
- Add on an open number line
- Add using mental math
- Add using partial sums
- Use models to add
- Explaining addition strategies
- Solve word problems
Topic 11 - Subtract Within 1,000 Using Models & Strategies
- Subtract 10 and 100
- Count back to subtract on an open number line
- Add up to subtract on an open number line
- Subtract using mental math
- Use models to subtract
- Explain subtraction strategies
- Solve word problems
Topic 12 - Measuring Length
- Estimating Length
- Measure with inches
- Inches, feet, and yards
- Measure Length using different customary units
- Measure with centimeters
- Centimeters and meters
- Measure lengths using different metric units
- Compare lengths
Topic 13 - More Addition, Subtraction, and Length
- Add and subtract with measurement
- Find unknown measurements
- Add & subtract on a number line
- Solve word problems
Topic 14 - Graphs & Data
- Line plots
- Bar graphs
- Picture graphs
- Draw conclusions with graphs
- Solve word problems
Topic 15 - Shapes & Their Attributes
- 2-Dimensional shapes
- Polygons & Angels
- Draw 2-dimensional shapes
- Cubes
- Divide rectangles into equal shares
- Partition shapes
- Equal shares, different shapes
- Solve word problems
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