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Meet The ELA Coach


Hola! My name is Lisa Rouse,  I live in Jersey City, New Jersey all of my life. I was raise by southern parents both from different counties in Georgia. So, although I am from Jersey City, New Jersey my values come from southern values.


My Favorite Things



My favorite things to do are baking, sewing, listening to different genres of music, audible books, eating at good restaurants and spending time with friends and family.




I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration from William Paterson College of New Jersey. I also have a Bachelors of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education. I am Dual Certified in P-3 and K-6. I started my journey at Burch Charter School of Excellence as a Substitute Teacher in November 2008. In January 2009 I was hired as a Teacher's Assistant and in September 2009 I became a first grade teacher. I have been teaching for over 17 years.

I am currently a Third grade ELA teacher at Burch Charter School of Excellence. After being a Title I teacher for three years, I started teaching ELA third grade. I am starting my fourth year teaching 3rd Grade ELA.  




My Philosophy Statement is,"I'm not a teacher, but an awakener" by Robert Frost


I believe that in order to teach a child you must be able to reach them. I will challenge your children to go beyond the status quo. I love to help children reach their greatest potential. I do not believe in giving up. I will instill a desire in them to believe in themselves and realize that nothing beats a failure but  a try. I also believe in treating children as if they were your own children. I want to agitate to the point of change, excite to the point of creativity and awake to the point of action. I believe that every child can learn no exceptions, no excuses.