page contents

Hi friends! Here is a little information on how I like to run my classroom. You can find all of this on the syllabus that was sent home in the beginning of the school year. 

 knowledge is power



1. Follow the rules the first time.

2. Respect your classmates and the teacher. 

3. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat. 

4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 




5% Homework

15% Classwork

35% Quizzes

45% Tests


Supply List: 

Bring to class everyday --

  • math notebook
  • homework folder
  • dry erase markers and eraser
  • pencils


Latework Policy:

Missed work is due the day following an absence. Corrections or work that is handed back to you for a redo will also be due the following day. You will lose TEN points for each day that it is late after that. 


Homework Policy:

Homework is assigned if you are unable to finish an assignment in class or during your FIT period. 


Absent Policy:

If you miss notes, get them from a friend or come see me. All work is due the day following your return. 



1. Warning/redo

2. Recess/lunch detention

3. Parent contact

4. Meet with Administrator