Math with Mr. Ucros - Bayonne High School
Requirements and Expectations
Algebra 1 & Geometry: 2021-2022
Teacher: Mr. Ucros
which can be accessed from the website and clicking on Schools ->Bayonne High School and finding my
Attendance Policies: It is EXTREMELY important that you attend class daily and be ready to learn.
- If you are late or absent (cut) from class, your Vice Principal will be notified.
- Once you have accumulated 4 cuts for this class, you will be withdrawn from the class and will receive no credit.
- If you are absent (NO CUT) it is YOUR responsibility to get the notes you missed. They will be located on our schoology page. You will have 2 School days to make up the missing homework.
Class Rules:
- Be respectful and polite to others and yourself.
- Pay attention: that means take notes and listen carefully to the instructions
- Always have your Smart PHONE OFF. NO CELLPHONE USEAGE in the classroom. If this rule is violated, the student’s cellphone will be confiscated.
- Students are expected to actively and positively participate in all classroom activities.
- Always wear your mask over your nose and chin.
- If there is an issue with the class, talk to me about it in private.
Materials for Class:
- Use Pencils and NOT PENS! (Mistakes will be made, I promise!)
- Your notebook should be a 1-subject notebook.
- Always have an eraser handy.
- Always Use your BBOED issued Chromebook
- Do NOT share anything with your classmates that includes food items, beverages, pencils, pens, erasers, paper or anything else.
Grading Policy:
Tests - 70%
- Tests will be done through Edulastic, Delta Math, IXL, Schoology and Paper in pencil
- There will be 4 or 5 Tests each marking period.
- All work must be shown for full credit.
- If a student fails one test in one marking period, they must attend tutorial.
Quizzes – 15%
- All Quizzes will be done through Edulastic, Delta Math, IXL, Schoology and Paper in pencil
- Quizzes: There will be 3 or 4 assigned each marking period.
- Exit Tickets will be done through Schoology or Delta Math at the end of class.
Classwork/Homework/Participation – 15%
- Classwork/Homework will be done through Delta Math, IXL, Schoology and Paper in pencil
- Every homework is worth 100 points.
- Any classwork that is not completed during class will become your homework.
- Bringing your Chromebook and charger to school each day is mandatory and will be part of your daily participation grade. If you forget your charger at home, you will be provided with paper copies for the work, but you will lose half of your participation grade for that day.
Extra Help:
- If you need extra help with homework or studying for the next test, please see me during Period 5, that is my lunch period, or during zero period (7:55 am – 8:35). Email me in advanced.
All class materials will be saved on Schoology. That includes but it is not limited to.
- Quizzes links,
- Homework PDF files and links,
- Exit Tickets
- Test links,
Teacher – Student Contract 2021-2022
***Students are ALWAYS aware of their grade in this course. Parents/Guardians can view their student’s grade at any time on the Parental Portal. Any question or concerns regarding grades or student progress should be addressed as soon as the problem is known. By signing this contact, you and your child agree to abide by its rules. Thank you.
Student’s Last Name: _____________________________ Student’s First Name_____________________
Student's Signature _______________________________________________________ Date: ______________
Parent's Signature ________________________________________________________ Date: ______________
Thank you!
Mr. Ucros