3rd Grade
A Little About Me!
Hello, my name is Dolly Calais. After graduating from UL of Lafayette in 2001 and long-term subbing I began my teaching career at Cecilia High School in 2004 where I taught Family and Consumer Sciences.
With over 10 years of experience in education at all different grade levels, I decided to join the Teche team in 2015. I am grateful to be starting my seventh year in 3rd grade and I am so excited to teach your child English Language Arts and Social Studies!
I am originally from Raceland, LA but I have been living in the Cecilia area for 22 years with my husband, Ian, and three beautiful children. I am a 1996 graduate of Central Lafourche High School and a 2001 graduate of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
I am truly looking forward to getting to know your child & you! As your child’s teacher, it is my goal to have an open line of communication. If you have any questions, concerns, or issues please pick up the phone or send me an e-mail.
Looking forward to a FABULOUS year in 3rd grade!
Contact info: 337-667-6400 Extension: 2548
Email: [email protected]
Remind app: https://www.remind.com/join/mrscalaise
**Please feel free to contact me via email or phone and through the remind app.
2021-2022 Daily Schedule |
7:50-8:20 |
Homeroom/Skinny |
8-20-9:40 |
Reading-Handwriting/Bellringer |
9:40-10:20 |
Language/Spelling |
10:20-10:35 |
Social Studies |
10:35-11:05 |
Lunch/Recess |
11:05-11:20 |
Social Studies |
11:20-12:05 |
PE |
12:05-12:25 |
Complete Social Studies lesson |
12:25-1:40 |
Reading/Handwriting |
1:40-2:15 | Language/Spelling |
2:15-3:00 |
Social Studies |
3:00-3:45 |
Dismissal |
Planning Period/Conference Times: M-F 11:20-12:05 during PE and after school by appointment only. Phone conference may be done at anytime on any day.
Discipline Plan & Conduct
Conduct will go home daily in their folder. Please review and discuss behavior with your student and initial next to their grade daily.
Classroom Rules:
- Say kind words and use your manners.
- Make smart choices and be responsible for your actions.
- Always follow directions.
- Raise your hand to speak and listen while your teacher is speaking.
- Treat others with respect, treat yourself with respect, and respect your school.
- Academic Success
- BARK bucks
- Verbal or written praise
- Treats and trinkets
- Extra recess or privileges
1-verbal warning
2-moves to A- on the conduct chart
3-moves to B on the conduct chart
4-moves to a C and loses 5 min of recess
5-moves to a D and loses 10 min of recess
6- moves to an F and loses all of recess and will get a phone call home to parent and be written on a minor infraction form.
Severe disruptions will result in immediate state referral and sent to the disciplinarian.
Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday. Homework calendar is on the back side of the conduct. I check homework every day and it is extremely important that it is done nightly. Students who do not complete homework will stay in at recess to complete it. Students should read every night. Practice will help them grow as readers and thinkers.
Test Papers
Signed Papers will go home on Wednesday of each week and are due back signed the following day. If you need the weekend to review with your child, please send a letter to let me know.
Grading Scale:
A 93 - 100
B 85 - 92
C 75 - 84
D 67 - 74
F 66 – below
Daily attendance is important for your child’s academic success. However, students do get sick and emergencies happen. Below is the parish attendance policy that will be followed.
* Any excuses must be turned in within 3 days of the student’s absence. The health center does give excuses, but you must call the Health Center the day of your child’s absence.
Excused Absences: will receive full credit, if excuse is received within 3 days
Unexcused Absences: will be allowed to make up work and test missed; however they will only receive 80% of the score earned.
Suspensions: Students will be allowed to make up missed assignments; however, they will only receive 70% of the score earned.
At Teche Elementary, students must wear their IDs daily. If they forget or lose their IDs, they will have to purchase a temporary ID for 50¢.
Replacement IDs are sold in the office for $5 (id, lanyard, and clear pouch can be purchased for $6).
Sweatshirts & Spirit Shirts
Students can purchase a Teche sweatshirt, which can be worn in class. Student can also wear a solid green, red, navy, white, or gray sweatshirt in the classroom. It cannot have a hood, zipper, or designs. In cold weather jackets can be worn.
Spirit shirts can be purchased in the office and students can wear them every day with their uniform bottom.
Class Parties
Birthday parties for students are prohibited; however, parents may bring cupcakes after 2:40 to celebrate a child’s special day! Due to allergies please notify me at least a day in advance if you would like to bring treats for the class.
A Christmas party will be held in December before the last school day. Also, students can exchange treats for Halloween, Easter, and Valentine’s Day.
If your child will be going home a method other than their normal one, please send a note or contact me through Remind. Students will not be allowed to board a different bus or leave with someone without a parent letter.