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PreK is a Great Place to Be!!



Welcome to PreK. We look forward to working with your child this school year.



Ways to Stay in Touch:

-send a message on REMIND

-call and leave a message at 667-6700 ext. 2618

-send a message through email; [email protected]






Morning Bell rings at 7:45a.m.  Please make sure your child is here on time each morning.  Thanks!!!!!


Please practice alphabets and numbers 1-10 flashcards with your child!!

Read to your child as much as possible.  Ask them questions about the story to get them involved in the storytelling.


Check folders daily and initial the conduct calendar 

 Reminder: Please write your child's first and last name in jackets and sweatshirts worn to school!!





            Be prepared

              Act Responsibly

      Respect all

     Keep safe