Hello there,
My name is Carmen Gobert and I am a 2nd grade teacher at St. Martinville Primary School. If there is anything that I can help you with, I can be reached by phone at 394-6254 ext. 3217 or by email carmen_gobert@stmartinschools.org. Please contact me if there is anything that I can help you with.
Please check homework sheet and folder daily
Spirit shirt on Friday.
Have a good day!!!
Week of April 20--April 24
READING: iREADY Lesson 20-Comparing and Contrasting 2 Text <---(Use this link to access the lessons)
. If you cannot print the pages, you may write your answers on loose leaf paper or in a notebook.)
Monday: Intro, Comparing and Contrasting 2 posters pages 324-325
Tuesday: "Don't Feed the Animals" and "Our Animal Friends" pages 326--327--332 to answer short response
Wednesday: "Turn on the Tap" and Fresh Water pages 328-331 (UNRAAVEL) 333 to answer short response
Thursday: "from Recycle That" and "Turning Trash into Treasure" pages 334--337 (UNRAAVEL)
Friday: Reread "from Recycle That" and "Turning Trash into Treasure" complete page 338 Complete the Learning Target on page 339
Spelling: Words with aw, al, o options: write spelling words 2x's daily, write each with a sentence, use different colors to write each letter.
tall soft
saw paw
dog ball
draw yawn
call log
fall small
You may print these out for practice. It consist of upper and lowercase letters in cursive.
MATH: Money and Problem Solving- Eureka_ Week of April 20th.pdf
Click the link provided to access the Module7 Documents for lessons 6-9. Please review the value of money with your child as well (Pennies, Dimes, Nickels, Quarters). The following video is used to assist with reviewing the value of money in a fun way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoCQsCvxI4I
- MONDAY: Review with Youtube video and complete LESSON 6- p.30-31 (see link for Eureka Lessons) Homework can be used if needed.
- TUESDAY: Lesson 7 p. 34-35; Please use the unravel strategies to solve the words problems to help students breakdown and analyze what the problems are asking for. (RDW should be used as well: READ THE PROBLEM; DRAW A PICTURE; WRITE A NUMBER SENTENCE; WRITE A WORD SENTENCE)
- WEDNESDAY: Lesson 8 p. 38-39; Please use the unravel strategies to solve the words problems to help students breakdown and analyze what the problems are asking for. (RDW should be used as well: READ THE PROBLEM; DRAW A PICTURE; WRITE A NUMBER SENTENCE; WRITE A WORD SENTENCE)
- THURSDAY: Lesson 9 p. 42-43
- FRIDAY: Review the week using the homework sheets/remaing pages from the lessons completed
SCIENCE: Parts of a Plant- Using a clear cup, soil, and any kind of seed available; plant a seed and watch it grow! Have your child observe its needs (water, sunlight, air, soil), and its parts that are growing (roots, leaves, stem)
Week of April 20--April 24
READING: iREADY Lesson 20-Comparing and Contrasting 2 Text <---(Use this link to access the lessons)
. If you cannot print the pages, you may write your answers on loose leaf paper or in a notebook.)
Monday: Intro, Comparing and Contrasting 2 posters pages 324-325
Tuesday: "Don't Feed the Animals" and "Our Animal Friends" pages 326--327--332 to answer short response
Wednesday: "Turn on the Tap" and Fresh Water pages 328-331 (UNRAAVEL) 333 to answer short response
Thursday: "from Recycle That" and "Turning Trash into Treasure" pages 334--337 (UNRAAVEL)
Friday: Reread "from Recycle That" and "Turning Trash into Treasure" complete page 338 Complete the Learning Target on page 339
Spelling: Words with aw, al, o options: write spelling words 2x's daily, write each with a sentence, use different colors to write each letter.
tall soft
saw paw
dog ball
draw yawn
call log
fall small
You may print these out for practice. It consist of upper and lowercase letters in cursive.
MATH: Money and Problem Solving- Eureka_ Week of April 20th.pdf
Click the link provided to access the Module7 Documents for lessons 6-9. Please review the value of money with your child as well (Pennies, Dimes, Nickels, Quarters). The following video is used to assist with reviewing the value of money in a fun way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoCQsCvxI4I
- MONDAY: Review with Youtube video and complete LESSON 6- p.30-31 (see link for Eureka Lessons) Homework can be used if needed.
- TUESDAY: Lesson 7 p. 34-35; Please use the unravel strategies to solve the words problems to help students breakdown and analyze what the problems are asking for. (RDW should be used as well: READ THE PROBLEM; DRAW A PICTURE; WRITE A NUMBER SENTENCE; WRITE A WORD SENTENCE)
- WEDNESDAY: Lesson 8 p. 38-39; Please use the unravel strategies to solve the words problems to help students breakdown and analyze what the problems are asking for. (RDW should be used as well: READ THE PROBLEM; DRAW A PICTURE; WRITE A NUMBER SENTENCE; WRITE A WORD SENTENCE)
- THURSDAY: Lesson 9 p. 42-43
- FRIDAY: Review the week using the homework sheets/remaing pages from the lessons completed
SCIENCE: Parts of a Plant- Using a clear cup, soil, and any kind of seed available; plant a seed and watch it grow! Have your child observe its needs (water, sunlight, air, soil), and its parts that are growing (roots, leaves, stem)
::Week of May 4--May 8::
READING: iREADY Lesson 4-Describing Connections Between Scientific Ideas <---(Use this link to access the lessons)
(If you cannot print the pages, you may write your answers on loose leaf paper or in a notebook.)
- Monday: Intro, Look at the three pictures, what is happening in each picture? Think how what is happening is connected pages 52-53
- Tuesday: "Jumping Joeys" pages 54--55--58 to answer short response
- Wednesday: "Emperor Penguins" pages 56-57(UNRAAVEL) 59 to answer short response
- Thursday: "Seeds Get Around" pages 60--64 (UNRAAVEL)
- Friday: Reread "Seeds Get Around" complete page 65 Complete the Learning Target on page 65
Spelling: Words with oo options: write spelling words 2x's daily, write each with a sentence, use different colors to write each letter.
took hood
books wood
foot stood
hoof hook
cook crook
nook cookbook
You may print these out for practice. It consist of upper and lowercase letters in cursive.
MATH: Iready Lesson 26: Draw and Recognize Shapes- iready-shapes.pdf
- Monday- Video "Shapes, Sides, and vertices"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24Uv8Cl5hvI
Complete iready pages 248-249 from PDF document attached above
- Tuesday- Complete iready pages 250-251 from PDF document attached above
- Wednesday- Complete iready pages 252-253 from PDF document attached above
- Thursday- Complete iready pages 254-255 from PDF document attached above
- Friday- Complete iready pages 256-257 from PDF document attached above
::Week of May 11--May 15::
READING: iREADY Lesson 8-Determining the Central Message <---(Use this link to access the lessons)
. If you cannot print the pages, you may write your answers on loose leaf paper or in a notebook.)
- Monday: Intro, Look at the three pictures, What are the most important Events? pages 120-121
- Tuesday: "The Blue Coyote" pages 122-123--126 to answer short response
- Wednesday: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" pages 124--125(UNRAAVEL) 127 to answer short response
- Thursday: "The Monkey and the Peas" pages 128--131 (UNRAAVEL)
- Friday: Reread "The Monkey and the Peas" complete page 132 Complete the Learning Target on page 133
Spelling: Words with ow, ou options: write spelling words 2x's daily, write each with a sentence, use different colors to write each letter.
cow found
house loud
town brown
shout ground
down pound
mouse flower
You may print these out for practice. It consist of upper and lowercase letters in cursive.
MATH: Iready Lesson 28--- iready_Halves,Thirds,Fourths.pdf
- Monday- Complete iready pages 264-265 from PDF document attached above
- Tuesday- Complete iready pages 266-267 from PDF document attached above
- Wednesday- Complete iready pages 268-269 from PDF document attached above
- Thursday- Review Using the pdf ----> FractionsReview_Eureka.pdf
- Friday- Review using Pdf from Thursday
491 Total Views | Powered By OnCourse Systems For Educ
::Week of May 4--May 8::
READING: iREADY Lesson 4-Describing Connections Between Scientific Ideas <---(Use this link to access the lessons)
(If you cannot print the pages, you may write your answers on loose leaf paper or in a notebook.)
- Monday: Intro, Look at the three pictures, what is happening in each picture? Think how what is happening is connected pages 52-53
- Tuesday: "Jumping Joeys" pages 54--55--58 to answer short response
- Wednesday: "Emperor Penguins" pages 56-57(UNRAAVEL) 59 to answer short response
- Thursday: "Seeds Get Around" pages 60--64 (UNRAAVEL)
- Friday: Reread "Seeds Get Around" complete page 65 Complete the Learning Target on page 65
Spelling: Words with oo options: write spelling words 2x's daily, write each with a sentence, use different colors to write each letter.
took hood
books wood
foot stood
hoof hook
cook crook
nook cookbook
You may print these out for practice. It consist of upper and lowercase letters in cursive.
MATH: Iready Lesson 26: Draw and Recognize Shapes- iready-shapes.pdf
- Monday- Video "Shapes, Sides, and vertices"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24Uv8Cl5hvI
Complete iready pages 248-249 from PDF document attached above
- Tuesday- Complete iready pages 250-251 from PDF document attached above
- Wednesday- Complete iready pages 252-253 from PDF document attached above
- Thursday- Complete iready pages 254-255 from PDF document attached above
- Friday- Complete iready pages 256-257 from PDF document attached above
::Week of May 11--May 15::
READING: iREADY Lesson 8-Determining the Central Message <---(Use this link to access the lessons)
. If you cannot print the pages, you may write your answers on loose leaf paper or in a notebook.)
- Monday: Intro, Look at the three pictures, What are the most important Events? pages 120-121
- Tuesday: "The Blue Coyote" pages 122-123--126 to answer short response
- Wednesday: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" pages 124--125(UNRAAVEL) 127 to answer short response
- Thursday: "The Monkey and the Peas" pages 128--131 (UNRAAVEL)
- Friday: Reread "The Monkey and the Peas" complete page 132 Complete the Learning Target on page 133
Spelling: Words with ow, ou options: write spelling words 2x's daily, write each with a sentence, use different colors to write each letter.
cow found
house loud
town brown
shout ground
down pound
mouse flower
You may print these out for practice. It consist of upper and lowercase letters in cursive.
MATH: Iready Lesson 28--- iready_Halves,Thirds,Fourths.pdf
- Monday- Complete iready pages 264-265 from PDF document attached above
- Tuesday- Complete iready pages 266-267 from PDF document attached above
- Wednesday- Complete iready pages 268-269 from PDF document attached above
- Thursday- Review Using the pdf ----> FractionsReview_Eureka.pdf
- Friday- Review using Pdf from Thursday
491 Total Views | Powered By OnCourse Systems For Educ
Week of May 4--May 8
READING: iREADY Lesson 4-Describing Connections Between Scientific Ideas <---(Use this link to access the lessons)
. If you cannot print the pages, you may write your answers on loose leaf paper or in a notebook.)
Monday: Intro, Look at the three pictures, what is happening in each picture? Think how what is happening is connected pages 52-53
Tuesday: "Jumping Joeys" pages 54--55--58 to answer short response
Wednesday: "Emperor Penguins" pages 56-57(UNRAAVEL) 59 to answer short response
Thursday: "Seeds Get Around" pages 60--64 (UNRAAVEL)
Friday: Reread "Seeds Get Around" complete page 65 Complete the Learning Target on page 65
Spelling: Words with oo options: write spelling words 2x's daily, write each with a sentence, use different colors to write each letter.
took hood
books wood
foot stood
hoof hook
cook crook
nook cookbook
You may print these out for practice. It consist of upper and lowercase letters in cursive.
Week of May 11--May 15
READING: iREADY Lesson 8-Determining the Central Message <---(Use this link to access the lessons)
. If you cannot print the pages, you may write your answers on loose leaf paper or in a notebook.)
Monday: Intro, Look at the three pictures, What are the most important Events? pages 120-121
Tuesday: "The Blue Coyote" pages 122-123--126 to answer short response
Wednesday: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" pages 124--125(UNRAAVEL) 127 to answer short response
Thursday: "The Monkey and the Peas" pages 128--131 (UNRAAVEL)
Friday: Reread "The Monkey and the Peas" complete page 132 Complete the Learning Target on page 133
Spelling: Words with ow, ou options: write spelling words 2x's daily, write each with a sentence, use different colors to write each letter.
cow found
house loud
town brown
shout ground
down pound
mouse flower
You may print these out for practice. It consist of upper and lowercase letters in cursive.
Week of May 18--May 22
READING: iREADY Lesson 19-Describing How Authors Use Reasons and Evidence <---(Use this link to access the lessons)
. If you cannot print the pages, you may write your answers on loose leaf paper or in a notebook.)
Monday: Intro, Look at the two pictures, How do they support the key point that some insects are good at hiding? pages 310-311
Tuesday: "Earwigs" pages 312--313 -316 to answer short response
Wednesday: "Soldier Bees" pages 314--315 (UNRAAVEL) 317 to answer short response
Thursday: "Bugs: Nature's Time Machine" pages 318--321 (UNRAAVEL)
Friday: Reread "Bugs: Nature's Time Machine" complete page 322 Complete the Learning Target on page 323
Spelling: Words with ow, ou options: write spelling words 2x's daily, write each with a sentence, use different colors to write each letter.
aim gain
snail sly
bay chain
braid shy
ray bright
always fright
You may print these out for practice. It consist of upper and lowercase letters in cursive.
ELA: iReady Lessons (online or packets) for 20-30 minutes daily
Storytime: Wednesday at 10AM utilizing Google Hangouts
Math: iReady Lessons (online or packets) for 20-30 minutes daily
Additional resources:
- Zearn (parents can set up an account) https://www.zearn.org/
- Great Minds (click the following link: we are in Module 7, but you can review any other Module with your child.
- https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6wssxzci5wb8ujy/AABetFAbpQNYy6FwaP7ytXfKa/Grade%202?dl=0
Just a few REMINDERS:
♥ Check homework folders for notes, assignments, and
conduct daily, please remove papers on the keep side of the
♥ Newsletters and test papers go home on Tuesdays. Please
review, sign and return them.
♥ Review study guides and vocabulary words daily. This will help
them learn the new skills we are learning.
♥ Students should also read for 20 minutes each night.
♥ Please have them sing and do the hand motions for the 12 Powerful words song.
1. TRACE --- means to outline
2. ANALYZE -- break it down
3. INFER -- read between the lines
4. EVALUATE -- to judge
5. FORMULATE -- build & create
6. DESCRIBE-- tell me all about it
7. SUPPORT-- back it up
8. EXPLAIN -- tell me how
9. SUMMARIZE-- the short version
10. COMPARE-- things that are alike
11. CONTRAST-- things that are different
12. PREDICT-- think about the future
along with UNRAAVEL
U- Underline the title
N- Now predict the passage
R- Run through and number
A- Are you reading the questions
A- Are the important words circled
V- Venture through the passage
E- Eliminate incorrect answers
L- Let the questions be answered