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From the New Jersey Department of Educaiton website:


Intervention & Referral Services (I&RS) is an interdisciplinary team of professionals within the school environment who come together throughout the school year to formulate coordinated services and team delivery systems to address the full range of student learning, behavior, social, and health problems in the general education program as well as for students determined to be in need of special education programs and services.




Delaware Township Team Members:


We meet on a monthly basis to help develop plans with the classroom teachers in order to help our students meet with success.  If you have any questions, please reach out to any member of the team.



Scott Lipson, Superintendent/Principal


Valerie Wheatley, Assistant Pricipal


Rebecca Guenther, Special Education Supervisor


Stacy Falkenstein, Intervention Teacher


Jessica Yarrow, Intervention Teacher


Caitlin Lally, Counselor


Elena Rozycki, Counselor


Julie Kertzman, Psychologist


Meeta Verma, Nurse