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Welcome to Ms. Riggs's Pre-K classroom!

2023/2024 School Year



Hello, My name is Ms. Paige Riggs and I am thrilled to be your child's Pre-K teacher! I am very excited about all that Washington Community School has to offer and can't wait to watch your child learn and grow each day! Pre-K is such a special year and I feel so lucky to be a part of it. My main goal is to make my students feel successful and to LOVE learning! If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to email me at [email protected]


 Arrival and Dismissal 

Students will be using door #7 in the back school yard for entrance and dismissal. School will begn at 8:40am and dismiss at 2:45 pm.



Communication is KEY. Throughout the school year we will working as a team. Our goal is for your child to succeed and to have a positive Pre-K experience. Please check your child's folder each day and return any information back promptly. This folder will be used to send in any notes, forms, lunch money, etc. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to send me an email at [email protected]


Important Information 

* Your child will need to bring a backpack to school every day to carry home thier belongings. Please make sure that their folders are returned each morning.

*Any money that is sent in MUST be in a labeled envelope in your child's folder. Thank you for cooperation!

*Please check your child's folder each night for important information.

*Snack time is in the afternoon. This is when we take a break and have our snack. Please pack a healthy snack for your child each day. The school does not provide this. (Example: fruit, yogurt, pretzel, applesauce, water, juice box, etc.)

*In case of emergencies it is important we are prepared. Accidents happen- be sure to send in change of clothes in a LABELED gallon size zip-lock bag. This will avoid any inconvenience for you.



Our Class Schedule:

Breakfast time (8:40-9:30)

Greeting time (9:30-9:40)

Small group time (9:40-10:00)

Planning time (10:05-10:15)

Work time (10:15-11:15)

Cleanup time (11:15-11:25)

Recall time (11:25-11:35)

Outside time (11:35-12:15)

Lunch time (12:15-12:50)

Rest time (1:00-1:40)

Snack time (1:50-2:05)

Large group time (2:05-2:25)

Dismissal (2:40)