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FOCUS is where you can keep up with how yourr child is doing this school year. Grades are updated immediately so you are able to keep track of your child's progress. The welcome packet you received included directions to setup your FOCUS account. 
  Your child will learn to read this year. Pelican Elementary participates in the Accelreated Readeer program, better known as AR. When your child is ready to begin taking AR tests. AR Bookfinder is a website where you can search for books and discover what the AR reading level is. 
  Have you ever wondered why a polar bear is white or how gummy bears are made? If so, then Wonderopolis is the website for you. Explore the wonder of the day or search for something you are curious about. With over 280,000 wonders on the site, there is something for everyone.
  Storyline Online is one of my favorite websites to listen to stories. The actors who read the stories help bring the stories to life. Watch the stories with your child and then discuss the books together. What will your favorite story be?
  Reading was one of my favorite things to do as a child, and some of my favorite days of the school year were when I received my Scholastic Reading Club flyer. I will be sending the flyers home with you, but you don't need to wait for the flyer to arrive. Scholastic offers the convenience of ordering online.