Course Description
The eleventh-grade honors curriculum is designed to introduce the student to a chronological study of American literature from the Colonial Period to the present. The course explores the development of our unique American culture through the literature of each era.
The vocabulary component of the course will assume a more sophisticated level based on the need for SAT and state assessment preparation. Included in the vocabulary study will be strategies for success in the Critical Reading and Writing sections of the SAT.
The writing component of the course will assume a more independent level, focusing on the modes of discourse and the techniques of literary analysis. Library skills and career awareness are also addressed in this course.
Major Course Topics by Marking Period:
Marking Period 1
Marking Period 3
Marking Period 2
Marking Period 4
*Some titles may be added/deleted as the year progresses*
Savvas MyPerspectives
With respect to diverse learners, a variety of assessments will be incorporated each marking period. It is understood that students will have the opportunity to review their graded assessments either in class or after class and ask questions for clarification. A combination of quizzes and tests/projects will assess students’ understanding of the material.
Please find the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards are the following website:
Grading and Department Policies
Tests/Projects 50%
Quizzes 25%
Homework 25%
Late or missing homework receives no credit except excused absences.
Late work loses 10% per day except for excused absences.
All work will be produced according to MLA formatting criteria.
Pupils are expected to be honest in all of their academic work. A pupil found guilty of academic dishonesty may be subjected to a full range of penalties including, but not limited to, reprimand and loss of credit for all of the work that is plagiarized.
Be sure to read and sign the attached plagiarism policy.
Required Materials:
Lined paper (binder or spiral notebook) and a marble notebook
Highlighters and pen
Post-It Notes
Classroom Rules
Rules are necessary in order to create an effective learning environment. Rules establish boundaries and standards of what type of behavior is acceptable and unacceptable. There are few rules in this classroom; however, I expect you to follow them. The rules for this class are as follows:
1. Respect the people, furnishings, and equipment in this classroom.
2. Always come to class prepared. Assignments must be printed and/or turned in electronically
prior to arriving to class.
The uniform is strictly enforced. Being in your uniform is part of being prepared!
3. Follow instructions the first time they are given.
4. Arrive to class on time.
5. Students are expected to follow the Academic Honesty Guidelines and School Rules as
outlined in the Student Handbook.
Disciplinary Plan
Consequences are the results of the choices we make. In life, there are positive consequences and negative consequences. The consequences for breaking the rules of the class are as follows:
First Offense: Warning
Second Offense: Detention and parent is contacted
Third Offense: School Administration involvement
All students will have a fresh start on Monday.
Parents will also receive e-mails home for positive classroom behavior and participation.
Classroom Procedures
Procedures inform us how certain tasks are to be done. There must be procedures in place in order for a learning environment to function efficiently.
Procedure for Entering the Classroom
1. Enter the classroom quietly.
2. Pick up any handouts or required materials.
3. Go to your assigned seat and begin working on the Do Now, which is listed on the board.
Procedures for Exiting the Classroom
When you are told to prepare for dismissal, begin cleaning up your workspace.
Make sure you take everything with you and leave your workspace as neat and as organized as when you found it.
Exit the classroom in an orderly and disciplined manner.
Check the homework website at home.
Extra Help
Extra help is available with Mrs. Deutsch before school. Please let Mrs. Deutsch know you will be coming in for extra help verbally or via email before the extra help session. If you are unable to see Mrs. Deutsch before school for extra help, speak to her privately so that she can work out a time to meet with you and provide extra help.
***Plagiarism on any project, paper, or test will result in REDOING THE ENTIRE ASSIGNMENT (OR ANOTHER ASSIGNMENT AS NECESSARY) WITH A STARTING GRADE OF NO MORE THAN 50% OF THE POINTS AVAILABLE. This is for both the student who copied and the student who provided the work to copy.
***Plagiarism on any classwork or homework will result in a ZERO on the assignment for both the student copying and the student who provided the work to copy.
***All work will be checked for plagiarism and AI generated material**
Email Communications:
When sending an email, please make sure that you do the following:
Put in the subject which class this is
Use a salutation (Yo Teacher is not appropriate)
Put your name and your inquiry in the body of the email.
Sign it at the bottom.
Unless it is on the weekend, please allow for a 24-hour time frame for my response. If you email me on the weekend, I will reply to you Monday morning by 8am.
To acknowledge that the student and parent/guardian have read and understood the above letter detailing the contents and requirements of the course, please complete the form found at the following web address: