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    Hello! My name is Courtney Schmitz and I am so excited to be at Timberlane Middle School! This year I will be teaching 8th grade Physical Science.  This is  my 25th year of teaching. Prior to coming to Timberlane, I taught at Lawrence Middle and Intermediate Schools. The grades I have taught are: 4th, 5th and 6th grade replacement math, 6th grade general education classroom for all subject areas, 6th grade science, grades 6 and 8 replacement math  and 7th/ 8th grade Science.

    I earned my B.S. degree in 1998 from West Virginia University in Elemenatary Education (K-8) with a certification in middle school sciences. I received my Master's Degree in 2006 in Education with certification in Special Education from Holy Family University. I am highly qualified to teach all subject areas in the general and special education settings. In 2015, I received the distinguished honor of the Govenor's Teacher Award.

    I am looking forward to working with everyone in the Hopewell Valley Regional School District! Please do not hesitate contact me with any questions that you may have. Just click on the email below.

         Email:  [email protected]


Let's GOOO Mountaineers!!