page contents

Welcome back!


I am Mrs. Spring, your Speech teacher! On this page, you will find my schedule, contact information, and information about my class. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me.  I look forward to a great year!


Teacher's Schedule:

1st hour:  Planning 

2nd hour: Planning

3rd hour: English I

4th hour: English I

5th hour: Speech

6th hour: English I

7th hour: Speech

8th hour: English I


Contact: [email protected]


Disclaimer: Parents and Students, please note that you should only use PowerSchool to see an accurate grade calculation, as we use weighted grades in high school.  I may enter grades in Google Classroom to track performance and participation, but once transferred to PowerSchool, the category weights will take effect. PowerSchool is accurate, not Google Clasroom!


Google Classroom Codes:

3rd hour: iaikcjt

4th hour: anslucg

5th hour: drif245

6th hour: mwemabf

7th hour: 6ge5jkr

8th hour: ny7w3c2


Remind Codes:

3rd hour: @7gbeg3

4th hour: @f8fd4h

5th hour: @9bd8dh

6th hour: @a62d6b

7th hour: @6bdhd7

8th hour: @k4ac2f


Supply List:

1. Index cards

2. Notebook

3. Pencils/pens