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Social Studies grades are based on a point system.  The value of each individual assignment will vary depending on the content material, difficulty level, and amount of work required. The final percentage grade will be determined using the following formula:  

(total points earned/total points possible) x 100 = Final Percentage


The number of total points offered in a marking period depends upon the number of graded assignments and their point values. The student’s grade (percent form) is calculated by dividing the student’s total EARNED points by the total POSSIBLE points and multiplying by 100. For example:

                    189 / 200 = 0.945
                    0.945 x 100 = 94.5%
                    94.5% = A


Grading Scale:


97% - 100% = A+

93% - 96% = A

90% - 92% = A-

87% - 89% = B+

83% - 86% = B

80% - 82% = B-

77% - 79% = C+

73% - 76% = C

70% - 72% = C-

60% - 69% = D

59% or Below = 


Whenever you are absent, you are responsible for obtaining any missed work. Missed work can be located in the absent bin in your class period folder. It is your responsibility to complete what you have missed and turn in any missed assignments that were due on the day you were absent.  If the assignment was given in your absence, you will have two days to turn it in. 

If you know that you will be absent, please see me, so we can arrange for you to keep up with your studies.





Your grades are available to you on OnCourse. Checking them regularly will help you keep track of your progress and outstanding assignments.