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 My name is LaTina Gayden and I look forward to an awesome year with your child. I will do my best to accommodate your child's needs in any way possible. Students may look forward to engaging and interactive lessons in a conducive learning environment. Below you will find some information about classroom rules and policies.


Classroom Expectations:

1. Listen and follow directions.

2. Respect your classmates and teacher.

3. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.

4. Keep hands, geet, and objects to yourself.



1. Warning

2. 5 minutes off recess (1 card pull/conduct mark)

3. 10 minutes off recess (2 card pulls/conduct mark)

4. Entire recess taken (Conduct mark/Smart Choice/Phone Call home)

5. Pre-Referral to Mrs. LaSuzzo

6. Referral to Dr. Bush