page contents

About Our Class:


Please be sure your child comes to school each day with their bookbag and homework folder. 


Birthdays - If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday in our class by sending in cupcakes,  please coordinate with me ahead of time and we would love to celebrate during snack time.


Communication - We use the app Remind. Please sign up for remind (info is on various handouts given at the start of the school year.)


Homework - I do not assign daily homework. There will occasionally be guided reading homework in your child's guided reading folder  - if you child has a new book in their folder, please have your child read to you. We may also have occasional math review homework to prepare for a math test, phonics extra practice, or a fun at-home project. I understand that sometimes after school schedules can be full of extra curricular activities, so please just message me if you have any concerns. 


Lunch and Snack - Lunch is at 11:10am. Students can pack lunch or buy lunch from the school cafeteria. We have a snack at the end of the day because most students are pretty hungry by then! Please send in a snack to share approximately once per month. It is preferred that snacks are individually wrapped. Please DO NOT SEND ANYTHING WITH PEANUTS - we have a peanut allergy in our class. Thankyou for your cooperation.


Notes - Please place all notes and signed papers in your child's homework folder and let your child know there's a note to give to me in the morning. Also, it never hurts to send me a message on remind telling me to expect a note from your child.


Sweaters/Sweatshirts - Please send in a sweater or sweatshirt that your child can keep in their cubby in case they get cold in class. The temperature can fluctuate in our classroom. 


Testing - We will have Math and Phonics tests at the end of each unit. At the beginning, middle and end of the year we will have STAR tests in Reading and Math. We will also assess your child's Reading Level, Writing, and Sight Words several times a year.


Water Bottles - Students may have water bottles in class. Please send in a leak-proof bottle with your child's name on it and they can keep it in our classroom. Please only send water.



If you have any questions about any of the above, or anything else - please contact me any time!