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6+1 Writing Traits is an approach to writing where the writer focuses on one aspect of writing at a time in order to make the process easier.


IDEAS: Choose a strong topic, think and talk about your ideas before writing, stick to the topic so your writing makes sense, use strong details to paint a picture, and focus on a small moment.


ORGANIZATION:  Gather information, start with a strong beginning, tell the information in a way that makes sense, link ideas together with transition words, and wrap up with a strong ending.


VOICE:  Make your writing sound like you, connect with your reader, and let your personality shine through.


WORD CHOICE:  Use precise, powerful words to show meaning,  "show, don't tell" what is happening, and create a picture in your reader's mind.


SENTENCE FLUENCY:  Use different words to start your sentences and different types of sentences, vary the length of the sentences, and read your writing out loud to make sure it flows.


CONVENTIONS: Check for spelling and punctuation errors, use grammar and vocabulary correctly, and write in paragraphs (indent).