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Course Information


Teacher: Mrs. Jones



  • Please come prepared to class every day with a pen or pencil and either a notebook or binder. It is preferred that you use a binder but this is your choice.
  • Please charge your school-issued chrome book and bring it to class with you every day.
  • A textbook will be provided to you for use during class. If necessary, they may be signed out for use overnight with prior permission. If there are enough books to remain in the classroom for a class set, books will be issued to each student. Students may leave their textbook at home and return it at the end of the school year in the same condition that they were received or you will be subject to charges/fees.
  • Computer and internet access


Hall Passes:

  • Passes are limited during class time. Only two students are allowed out of the classroom at the same time.
  • Any student that is granted permission to use a hall pass will sign in and out with the new Smart Pass system. Students will use their own chrome book to access the app.
  • Students that do not sign in/out correctly or abuse the pass privileges will be placed on pass restriction for the marking period per PHS policy.



  • Food and drink are generally not permitted in the classroom.
  • If you have food or drink in the classroom during a laboratory period, points will be deducted from your lab assignment.


Electronic Devices:

  • We frequently utilize technology in the classroom and students are expected to remain on task and refrain from visiting websites not pertaining to the lesson.
  • The new PHS electronic device/cell phone policy is “Not seen. Not heard. Not taken.” Students are not permitted to use cell phones in the building during school hours. Cell phones/electronic devices should be silenced upon school arrival from 7:35 am - 2:19pm.
  • The term “electronic device” includes but is not limited to cell phones, smart watches, tablets, and headphones.
  • An office telephone is available for students to use before/after school, during lunch, and for urgent matters. All school personnel have the right to confiscate electronic devices - both school-owned and personal - when any expectations are not being upheld.
  • Failure to submit a device upon request results in an automatic Insubordination Infraction (1 period of ALL). Devices will be held in the school office until the end of the school day and a parent/guardian will be notified. Details of subsequent infractions can be found in the PHS student handbook.
  • Students will have the option of utilizing the classroom caddy system and storing their phones upon entering the classroom. This system aims to minimize distractions and keep students focused on their learning.



  • Students will complete only their own work. PHS has a zero tolerance cheating policy. If a student is caught copying or cheating on a test, quiz, homework or any assignment, the student will be given a zero.
  • Parents and administration will be notified of any cheating.



  • As per PHS policy, you are permitted as many days as you were absent to make up work.
  • If you miss an assignment while you are absent, you will receive a zero in Oncourse for that assignment. You are permitted as many days as you were absent to make up that assignment without having points deducted for lateness. When the assignment is turned in, the grade in Oncourse will be changed from a zero to the grade that you earned for the assignment.
  • It is your responsibility to find out what work you missed and make it up. I recommend writing down the contact information of a reliable student in this class so that you can communicate with them if you miss a class. 
  • Contact me for additional help and makeup work.
  • All copies of assignments will be available for you to pick up upon your return. If electronic copies of assignments are available, I can post them in Oncourse or email them to you upon request.



  • Lateness is a disruption to class and will not be tolerated.
  • Lateness with a note is excused, otherwise you have a teacher detention.
  • Excessive lateness will result in ALL. Please refer to the student handbook for further consequences.


Late Work:

  • Late work is accepted but you will not receive full credit. Points are deducted for each day that the assignment is late.
  • Late work will not be accepted once the assignment has been returned to the class.
  • Homework is considered late if it is not handed in at the beginning of class.


Grading Policy:

  • You enter this class with an A+. YOU maintain or change the mark.
  • Any assignment turned in without a name on it will not be graded.
  • You will be graded and receive points on the following types of assignments: classwork, participation & daily openers, homework, labs, projects, quizzes, and tests. Tests, projects, and labs are weighted at a higher percentage and will have a greater impact on your grade.
  • Any repeated warnings will result in a deduction of all daily participation points.
  • Daily participation points will be based on the following criteria:



Possible Points to be Earned

On time for class and seated at the bell


Prepared (pen/pencil, notebook, chrome book etc.)


Respect (for classmates, teacher, property)


Behavior (no foul language, stays in seat, no disruptions)


On task



  • The grading scale is as follows:

Letter Grade

Number Grade


























Below 60


Summary of Expectations and Procedures:


Each day when you come into class you should:


At the beginning of class: 

  • Be prepared to learn!
  • Hand in your homework.
  • Sit in your assigned seat.
  • Begin to work on your daily bell ringer question. You have until the timer rings to complete your answer. Bell ringers are part of your grade and must be completed each day you are present in class. 

During class: 

  • Listen to directions and/or instructions from the teacher.
  • Raise your hand if you have a question or comment.
  • Absolutely no eating or drinking throughout the duration of class.
  • Be respectful to your classmates and teacher.
  • Use appropriate language (verbal, sign, & body) in class.
  • Work cooperatively with the other students in the class to complete the required assignment. 
  • Let me know if there is something that you do not understand.   
  • Only use your electronic devices with permission from the teacher.

At the end of class: 

  • Listen for directions to clean up and put materials away.
  • Help your classmates clean up and return materials to their proper place.
  • Write down any homework assignments.
  • Be in your assigned seat for dismissal. 



Let’s have a great school year!!!