Requirements and Expectations
Algebra 1 / Geometry
Teacher: Mrs. Carolina Barone
Email: [email protected]
*** I check emails daily. If you have any questions or concerns I will reply within 24 hours of your request.
- Student MUST come prepared to class each day, which means he/she must bring textbook, workbook, binder and pencil daily.
- Your notebook should be a loose-leaf, three ring binder. (I give out printed notes and collect homework daily so this is highly recommended!)
- Homework must be completed as assigned (see below for grading - no extra credit!!!).
- Work must be shown to support the answers on all assignments.
- If your homework grade is below a 70 you will not be offered any extra credit assignments.
- Absentee Policy
- If you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to get the notes you missed and have 2 school days to make up the homework.
- I will not ask you for the homework, if you do not show it to me I will mark it as incomplete.
- Textbooks must be covered.
Attendance Policies: It is so important that you come to class on time and ready to learn EVERYDAY. Please do not be late to class.
- If you are late/absent for class the consequences are:
- 3 Lates = 1 CUT
- Late ≧ 10 minutes = 1 CUT
- 3 CUTS = WN (withdrawn no credit)
- 10 absences = No Credit
- CUTTING CLASS = UNEXCUSED ABSENCE!!! I will NOT allow any make up work for any student who cuts my class.
Class Rules:
- Be respectful, polite to others and yourself. Attentive silence when other students or instructor are talking.
- Come to class prepared, on time, with all of your materials and a positive attitude.
- Students are expected to actively and positively participate in all classroom activities.
- No personal grooming, eating, or drinking in class.
- Understand the Bayonne High School Discipline Report.
Consequences when rules are broken:
If a student chooses to break a rule, appropriate action will be taken. Depending on the frequency/severity of the infraction this could include a verbal reprimand, call or email to a parent, and/or a referral to a counselor or Vice Principal.
Grading Policy:
- Tests - 70%.
3 – 5 Tests will be given each marking period. Tests will usually be given at the end of every chapter.
- Quizzes – 15%
- There will be take-home and in class quizzes as deemed necessary.
- Projects. There will be at least 1 project each marking period.
- Notebooks. You are REQUIRED to bring your notebook daily, and I will randomly check your notebook during the marking period for a quiz grade.
- Homework – 15%
All homework assignments are counted individually, which means any missing homework it will show you are missing points towards your homework grade. I input homework grade at the end of every month.
- All work should be done neatly and completely or points will be taken of for incomplete assignments.
***Students are ALWAYS aware of their grade in this course. Parents/Guardians can contact me anytime regarding their student’s grade. Any questions or concerns regarding grades or student progress should be addressed as soon as the problem is known.