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Coach Benjamin Ernst






To have a comprehensive understanding of the world, it’s features, cultures, religions, and general landscape. The student will have had an understanding of the relationship between people, places, and environments over time.



                                       1.  Ink pen-blue or black ink

                                       2.  Pencil

                                       3.  3 ring, (3 tabs) binder, with loose leaf paper





 Zoom calls will take place every Monday and Wednesday. Check your email for your invitations to Zoom meetings.

Grades will be due each week on Mondays and/or Wednesdays. Assignments will be posted on Oncourse. 



 Grades will consist of points received from quizzes, tests, bell ringers [short assignments given everyday to begin class] homework, binder, current events, group work, and other activities. Binders will consist of a bell work section, a notes/homework section, and a high order questions/ special assignments section. The notes/homework section will be turned in at the end of each chapter, while the other two sections will be handed in at the end of each six weeks. Quizzes and tests will remain on file in the classroom All points accumulated will be totaled and divided by the total possible points to obtain an average. The grading scale is the standard Tangipahoa Parish seven point grading scale.




    We have a classroom set of textbooks. Damage and replacement costs of this textbook will be your responsibility.



1. You must make up all missed assignments.

2. You will be given an opportunity to make up missed notes/homework when you return from an absence, and those notes as well as the completed homework are due the next day.(teacher’s notes must be returned, and cannot be used as part of the student’s binder.)

3. Missed tests must be made up within 2 days of the student’s return.




1. Enter the room quietly, with all materials, and be seated in your desk by the time the tardy bell rings. You are considered tardy if you are not in your seat when the bellrings.  Begin working on the bell ringer assignment which will be posted daily.

2. All work that is turned in must have the standard Ponchatoula heading which is posted on the board in the classroom.  

3. Every student is expected to act in an adult manner and work to the best of their ability. 4. Talking is only permitted with my permission. If you have a question, raise your hand. Use of Profanity in any form, at any time is unacceptable. 

5. No food or drink is allowed in class at any time.

6. You must be seated in your desk at all times during class.

7. All electronic devices must be turned off and stored during class. Any device seen or heard during class will be confiscated and turned into the discipline office. 

8.  In the event that I am not in class, there will be more than a sufficient amount of work to do in class. If your name is given to me by a substitute you will have to serve two, fifteen minute detentions.  

9.  There are NO bathroom breaks. If you absolutely have to leave for an emergency bathroom break you will have to serve a 15 minute lunch detention the same day.

10.  As the class ends, I will instruct you to pack up your belongings and collect any trash by your desk. Throw the trash in the garbage can by the door on your way out of the room not during class. 

11.  When the bell rings to end class, sit quietly until dismissed.  Remember, that the teacher dismisses the class not the bell.


Failure to follow any of the above classroom procedures will result in the following progressive corrective actions:


  1. Student will receive a verbal or written warning.

  2. Student will serve a fifteen minute lunch detention for any violation following a verbal warning.(Every tardy is a lunch detention, 3rd tardy is a referral. Failure to serve 15 min detentions will result in one 30 min detention.)

  3. Teacher will contact parent or guardian by e-mail or phone call.

  4. Teacher will send a disciplinary referral to be handled by the administration.

***Severe disruption: Teacher will call an administrator immediately. 

  1. Students who violate established school rules will be referred to an administrator.