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Classroom Expectations


Our classroom expectations focus on our school wide rules “The Three Bs”: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be responsible. With these rules, I have 5 rules listed in my classroom. Each rule has a color for the students, and a number on their conduct sheet for you. The rules are as follows:

#1  I will follow directions.

#2  I will raise my hand to speak.

#3  I will walk at all times.

#4  I will keep my hands, feet, and other objects to myself.

#5 I will respect others.

When a student breaks the rule, they have to pull the stick that matches the rule that was broken and place it into their pocket. Each rule will be explained to your child in detail. Praises, rewards, and incentives will be given for good behavior. Continuous unacceptable behavior may result in privileges being taken away. If any problems should arise, I will contact you. A conduct chart, which requires a signature, will be sent home every day.


Yellow Folders:Yellow folders are for HOMEWORK.


Green FoldersGreen folders will contain any information needing to be sent home (school newsletters, calendars, notes from teacher, ect.) It will also contain a conduct that must be initialed EVERY DAY. If you need to send me any information (note, excuse, ect.), please put it in green folders.