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General Ideas for Home Practice


-Play board games: Guess Who, Scattegories, and Apples to Apples Kids are some of my favorites!

-Read books: talk about the pictures, describe characters, label objects, predict what will happen next

-Clean and Organize: put toys into groups (categories), sort groceries, sort laundry 

-Follow Directions: try a new recipe, learn to fold laundry, make your bed 

-Low-tech games: play "hang-man", I spy, We're going on a picnic (say an item that starts with the letter of the alphabet (apple, banana, cat), and try to remember all of the items before yours)

-Have a conversation and ask thoughtful questions (see prompt ideas below)

-Articulation students- look for your sounds in books, assignments from your teachers, movie titles, video games



speech calendars.pdf- calendars with general, daily activity ideas

SpeechandLanguageHomeSuggestionsforEmergenciesforSLPsFREEBIE.pdf- general suggestions for targeting speech and language skills at home

artic in sentences.pdf- simple dice game to practice articulation skills

Howtousebookstoencouragelanguageskills.pdf- Tips for encouraging language skills with books

ConversationStarterCards.pdffun conversation questions

QuestionsandPromptstoBuildExpressiveReceptiveLanguage.pdf-180 questions and prompts