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August 2024


Dear Fabulous Fifth Grade All Stars, 


Welcome to 5th grade at Stony Brook! I am so excited to be your teacher this year. I feel especially lucky because I got to know so many of you last year in 4th grade! I am looking forward to getting to know each of you even better and growing together as a 5M family. This will be my 14th year teaching at Stony Brook, but my first year teaching 5th grade. I love that we are starting this new adventure together!


You are so lucky this year because you will be rotating to different teachers for each subject. I will be teaching you math, Mr. Close will be teaching you Science/Social Studies, and Mrs. Danieluk (who has a 4th grade homeroom) will be teaching you reading and writing. We will be moving together as a 5M homeroom to specials, lunch, and recess. What an amazing opportunity to be taught by such wonderful teachers! 


Fifth grade will be filled with so many fun things to help you grow as a learner. The first day of school is Tuesday, September 3rd. I will have all the supplies you will need in the classroom, but if there is anything specific you would like to bring, specifically your own headphones, please feel free to do so! On the first day, please be sure to bring a backpack, a healthy snack, a water bottle, and a lunch (or be prepared to purchase one from the cafeteria). Media will be our special on the first day of school. We will go over our schedule and answer any specific questions on the first day of school. 


I can't wait to see you all on September 3rd! I will also be in our classroom (Room 222) during the Open House on Thursday, August 29th. If you have any questions in the meantime please don't hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected]. Enjoy the rest of your summer!



Mrs. Marion