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Welcome to Third Grade!


Dear Third Grade Friends and Families,


        Welcome to third grade in Room D-4. I am so excited about all the learning, exploring, and growing we will do together. This will certainly be a year to remember! We will work together to create a unique educational year. 


Third grade is a fun filled year with lots of challenging and creative projects. We will explore force and motion, weather and ecosytems. We will also travel through our country's regions looking for ways they are similar and different from New Jersey.  In reading, we will laugh and cry through many great novels. Math will be filled with lots of multiplication practice and solving multistep problems. You will be surprised at all we accomplish this year.


      During the first few days of school, we will create a daily routine together and establish important rules so we can all feel safe and comfortable in our classroom. Be thinking about what jobs are needed to make a classroom run smoothly. 


Please bring in a quick healthy snack everyday. Also, it will be important to have working headphones in school. I have ordered most school supplies needed for the year, so you only need to bring a durable take home folder and a small pencil case to school. 


I can't wait to meet you on the first day of school.  If you have any questions, I have included my email.



 Mrs. Van Zandt

[email protected]