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If you are having trouble thinking of words that have the 's' sound in them, here is a list for you!
Word List
/s/ beginning
/s/ middle
/s/ ending
sit sorry soup soap salt sock seal sail sick sour sing sign sun sand save soft seed seven seat sink city son said safe sad
baseball bicycle dancer dinosaur gasoline popsicle grasshopper eraser motorcycle faucet fossil messy pencil outside muscle passing beside whistle racing glasses policeman insect recipe listen medicine
bus lips face class ice dress grass erase horse house yes mouse address race office lettuce purse fence glass miss pass juice voice this nice
sc/sk - blends
sl - blends
sm – blends
sw - blends
scoop ski scare sky scarf skate skirt skin scout scale scar score skill skip skunk school
slow slap sled slide slam slip sleigh slit slim sliver slug slant slob sleeve sleep
smell smile smoke small smog smash smudge smug smock smooth smack smite smoky smuggle smart
sweep sweat swallow sweet swam sweater swap swing swat swell swipe switch swollen swamp swim swan
sn - blends
sp - blends
st - blends
snail snow snack sneeze snoop snake sneak snip snag snob snuggle snooze sniffle snout snorkel snicker snowball snort snap
spoon spell
space sports sponge spill sparkle spin spoon space spinach spa spark speed Spanish speech special spider speak
stamp stairs step story stack sticker stand star stay storm stitch stone stop stem state stick sting store stage start stir